Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Getting Started - A Space for Tentative Writers

I fancy myself a writer. I have a writer's notebook full of lists, underdeveloped ideas, and brainstorms for future projects. I have Trello boards full of future research questions I'd like to answer and countless Google docs full of drafts of unpublished Blog posts. I love almost every stage of the writing process - brainstorming, drafting, revising - Oh! That's my favorite part! A chance to tinker and explore what's already there.  It's the publishing part that gives me pause. Who cares what I have to say, right?

And yet, when I talk about education with my colleagues, I get so excited and inspired and I think, Why aren't they writing? Why aren't they sharing? What they have to say is important. So, I thought I'd start an open blog and invite any other tentative writers publishers to share their thinking on this blog.

Amy Gorzynski @MsGorzo, a business education teacher who teaches digital literacy courses at Leyden, reminds me that any blog should have a purpose and an audience.  I hope this blog can serve as a space for educators, particularly Leyden educators, to share their learning process and learn from the learning process of others. The purpose of this blog will be to provide a space to document any learning process in which teachers engage. What are you learning? And how are you learning?

And with that, I (finally) click publish...